Terms of Service: head to tail


Behaviour modification and training can be so rewarding for the owner, dog and me, however it does take time and a lot of patience, devotion and love from you the owner. I cannot give you an instant fix, remember the behaviour has taken time to get to where it is now and hence you are seeking help and advice. I can give you the tools to implement the changes.

I do not use aversive stimuli and therefore if you the owner do use these on your dog I will ask you to remove this and it will not be used during the modification programme, examples of these are choke chains/ collars, e collars, spike collar (pinch) collar. Please listen to my advice, there will be home exercises to carry out in fact this is a massive part of the modification programme, therefore if these exercises are not carried out there will be slow progress or little progress, I cannot be with you and your canine all the time so this is where you the owner step up! All forms of behaviour modification and training involve the human-dog relationship changing, therefore to see your dogs behaviour change most likely your behaviour will have to change too along with routines.

I will always endeavour to use positive reward based techniques. If you the owner prefers to dominate your dog, perform alpha rolls and use force with your dog then I am not the behaviour practitioner for you.

I will have dog treats with me however if your dog has a certain favourite please be prepared for my visit and have a plentiful amount ready to use, again I will have some toys but usually your dog will have a favourite so again please have this ready if you can find it from under the sofa/ dug out of the garden etc!

If you have called me to help with fear of travelling in the car/ travel sickness please do not feed your dog within a few hours of my visit (approx 2-3 hours).

Please inform me if your dog is on any medication/ supplements either vet prescribed or owner prescribed.

I will always ask if you dog has seen a vet recently and has a clean bill of health. I also recommend informing your vet that you are working with me so their records can be updated. I may also require your vets details to work with them particularly if the behaviour is related to ill health.

Whilst I love being a canine behaviour practitioner it is a way I earn a living and therefore I need to charge for my time and advice. Although you may look at the prices and think these are expensive please compare me to your local car garage and see what they charge as an hourly labour rate! Your car is a necessity and in my eyes having a sociable balanced harmonised canine is also essential particularly with new dog laws in place.

If you need to cancel please give me as much notice as possible as I can release this time to someone else. If you cancel with less than 24 hrs notice (obviously there are exceptions) there will be a 50% charge, this is to cover my costs of pre visit paperwork and time. This can be arranged between the client and myself by direct bank transfer.

Payment is expected at the time of the visit by cash  unless discussed and a prior agreement such as bank transfer had been arranged.

I offer lifetime advice to clients to whom I have provided behaviour consultations to, the lifetime advice provided will be for the areas covered during the consultation and can be by telephone, text or email. If another behaviour needs addressing this may need a further visit, this can be discussed between myself and the client.



I would like to take photographs of your dog of course with your permission, by signing this agreement you are letting me use the photographs on my website, facebook and advertisement media. 

Please sign here to say you agree...............................    Date..............

Name of Dog:


Please click on my legal notice to see more about privacy matters and GDPR procedure.


Please sign and date to agree that you have read and understood my terms of business and give consent to the relevant statements as the legal owner/ keeper of the dog that is to undergo a behaviour modification programme/ treatment:


Please sign here..................................  Date.......................


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